Never Too Late To Reset And the best time is always now.

There is great power in hitting the reset button.

A reset—fresh or not, hard or soft—provides time to visit a situation afresh, an opportunity to see the forest from the trees, especially in times of confusion, distress, and disillusionment. While there is no grand undo button that will erase past mistakes, at least there is some comfort knowing life will provide numerous instances to restart.

That is, of course, if one is brave enough to go back to the beginning (of sorts) and re-do what has been done, to re-learn what was taught, and re-tread what feels like all too familiar paths. For every reset there is a lesson—never quite the same lesson, but a lesson nonetheless. After all, the difference between a start and a reset is information: when one starts ignorance is bliss, when one resets wisdom curtails folly.

It is never too late to reset. Winter is a good time to keep going. Autumn is opportune for commencements. Summer can be the attainment of an objective while spring can be its end. Seasons are merely temporal markers for the Earth’s spin, not finite start-end calendars for goals.

The right to to start is always.

The best time to reset is now.

Rémy Ngamije is an award-winning Rwandan-born Namibian author, editor, publisher, photographer, literary educator, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of The Forge.